My 2023 Job Search

Unfortunately I was impacted by a layoff at my former company, Snapdocs, earlier this year. After taking a short break, I started a full throttle search for a new role. The job hunt definitely is difficult in this current atmoshpere. Given all the other layoffs and the dwindling openings available, I knew it was going to take time and determination. It was a full time job itself, working on networking, searching for jobs, applying for jobs (with customized resumes and cover letters), and preparing for interviews. The first couple interview cycles were a little rough with some rustiness on my part. But I started regaining that interviewing muscle memory and started not only getting more interview requests but getting further into the interview rounds.

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Returning to the Blog

Hello again! I took a small hiatus (re: several years) from this site but I am back! I was laid off from my job earlier this year and all of a sudden found myself with a lot more time on my hands. And while I have just started as the newest Data Scientist at Sprout Social (wooo!), I do have some posts lined up that I will be releasing soon. Some are inspired by interviews I had in the past few months and some are inspired by other things. Expect something soon!

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Deploying a Flask and Bokeh app to Heroku

I have been wanting to build a simple web app with some interactivety for a while now. I used a few different tutorials/demos to build this kind of app. Specifically, I used Bokeh, an interactive Javascript based visualization library, and Flask to build a web app and then deploy it to Heroku, a cloud platform for web apps (and more).

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NBA Standings Reimagined

Sometime last week as I was looking at the NBA playoff match-ups a thought occurred to me. What if the NBA standings adopted a points system á la European soccer leagues instead of win percentage? One might ask what the difference even is and it is quite simple. The winner of a game is given three points while the loser gets none. Crucially, a tie game results in one point for both teams. Currently, of course, the NBA resolves ties with overtime periods until there is a winner. From here a simple ratio of games won by games played is calculated to rank teams.

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Trees from Zürich

An underrated city in Europe, Zürich is lively and vibrant and one of my favorite places to visit. I bring this up because as I was stumbling around (on the internet) I found a dataset of trees on the OpenData Zürich website. It turns out most of the urban trees are indexed and alongside some supplemental sources make up this public dataset. I have many fond memories of Zürich and its arboretum, so today I will take a rather quick look at the trees from Zürich using R.

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