Hi, this is my personal site and blog! It is a place for some of my projects, interests (like sports or food), and whatever else strikes my fancy. These posts will often feature data and insights thereof.
My background is in physics which entranced me in my junior year of high school. In fact, I grew so attached I continued studying it in both undergraduate and graduate school, for a full decade. I earned a Ph.D in physics but have now transitioned from academia to industry and am a professional Data Scientist. Data Science allows me to use the same problem solving skills and creative thinking to solve complex problems. Its so fun learning new techniques and technologies to tackle difficult problems.
Born and raised in the Bay Area, I prefer blue skies and a warm sun. I enjoy listening to music, dancing, road biking, and beard-making. I love getting lost in elaborate and detailed sci-fi/fantasy worlds like those found in Star Wars, Stargate, various comics and video games, and many more. Spending time with loved ones is my best therapy.